This is the list of my academic publications. For articles in the press, blog posts and publications in professional outlets look at Media\Podcast page


In English

Articles in International Refereed Journals

Quattrone, P. (forthcoming). A Procedural Approach to Institutional Logics: Unfolding Rationality in the Jesuit Order. Administrative Science Quarterly.

Busco, C., Quattrone, P. (2014). Exploring how the Balanced Scorecard engages and unfolds: Articulating the visual power of accounting inscriptions. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2014 (DOI: 10.1111/1911-3846.12105).

Quattrone, P. (2009). ‘We have never been post-modern’. On the search for management accounting theory. The European Accounting Review, 18, 3: 621–630.

Quattrone, P. (2009). Books to be practiced. Memory, the Power of the Visual and the Success of Accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 34: 85–118.

Ahrens, T., Becker, A., Burns, J., Chapman, C. S., Granlund, M., Habersam, M., Hansen, A., Khalifa, R., Malmi, T., Mennicken, A., Mikes, A., Panozzo, F., Piber, Quattrone, P., M., & Scheytt, T. (2008). The future of interpretive accounting research – a debate. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 19: 840–866.

Khalifa, R., Quattrone, P. (2008). The governance of accounting academia: issues for a debate. European Accounting Review, 17:1, 65-86.

Busco, C., Quattrone, P., Riccaboni, A. (2007). Management accounting: issues in interpreting its nature and change. Management Accounting Research, 18: 125-149.

Quattrone, P., Hopper, T. (2006). What is IT?”: SAP, Accounting, and Visibility in a Multinational Organisation. Information and Organization, 16: 212-250.

Dagnino, G., B., Quattrone, P. (2006). Management and Business Research Italian Style: The methodological Contribution of Economia Aziendale to Business Economics. Journal of Management History, 12: 1.

Quattrone, P. (2006). The Possibility of the Testimony. A Case for Case Study Research”, Organization, 13, 1: 143-157 (reprinted in Case Study Methods in Business Research” edited by Albert J Mills and Gabrielle Durepos, SAGE Publications, 2012).

Quattrone, P. (2005). Is Time Spent, Passed or Counted? The Missing Link between Time and Accounting History. Accounting Historians Journal, 2005, 32, 1: 185-208.

Quattrone, P., Hopper, T. (2005). A ‘Time-Space Odyssey’: Management Control Systems in Multinational Organisations. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 30, 7-8: 735-764.

Jones, G., Mclean, C., Quattrone, P. (2004). “Spacing and Timing”, Introduction to the Special Issue of Organization on ‘Spacing and Timing’, 11, 6: 723-741.

Quattrone, P. (2004). Accounting for God. Accounting and Accountability Practices in the Society of Jesus (Italy, 16th-17th centuries). Accounting, Organizations and Society, 29, 7: 647-683 (reprinted in Macintosh, N., Hopper, T. 2006, Accounting for the social and the political: classics, contemporary, and beyond. Elsevier).

Quattrone, P. (2004). Commenting on a commentary? Methodological Choices in Accounting Research, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 15, 2: 232-247, 2004.

Quattrone, P., Hopper, T. (2001). What does Organisational Change Mean? Speculations on a Taken for Granted Category. Management Accounting Research, 12, 4: 403-35

Quattrone, P. (2000). Constructivism and Accounting Research: Towards a Trans-disciplinary Perspective. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 13, 2.



Busco, C., Frigo, M., Quattrone, P., Riccaboni, A. (Eds.) (2013). Integrated reporting. Concepts and Cases that Redefine Corporate Accountability. London: Springer.

Puyou, F-R., Quattrone, P., McLean C., Thrift, N. (2012). Imagining Organizations: performative imagery in business and beyond. London: Routledge.

Macintosh, N. Quattrone, P. (2010). Management accounting and control systems. An organizational and sociological approach. Wiley.

Mazza, C. Riccaboni A., Quattrone, P. (Eds.) (2008), European Universities in Transition: Issues, Models and Cases. Elgar.


Book Chapters

Quattrone, P. (in press). “Value in the age of doubt: Accounting as a maieutic machine”, in Martin Kornberger, Lise Jusesen, Jan Moursitsen & Anders Koed Madsen (Eds.). Making Things Valuable, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Quattrone, P. (2013) “Rhetoric and art of memory” in Jack L., Davidson, J., Craig, R. (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Accounting Communications. London.

Quattrone, P. (2012). The Jesuit ordering: In between the imaginative force of the art of memory and the organizational power of accounting practices, in Bruno Boute and Thomas Småberg, Devising Order. Socio-religious Models, Rituals, and the Performativity of Practice, pp. 242-264, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill.

Puyou, F., Quattrone, P., McLean, C., Thrift, N. (2012). Imagining Organizations: An introduction, in Imagining Organizations: performative imagery in business and beyond, Co-edited with Francois Puyou, Christine McLean, and Nigel Thrift: Routledge.

Puyou, F., Quattrone, P., McLean, C., (2008). Imagining Business: When a figure is worth more than a thousand numbers. Introduction to the Catalogue of the Imagining Business exhibition and workshop.

Mazza, C. Riccaboni A., Quattrone, P. (2008). Found in Translation: on the persistence of the university as institution”, in Mazza, C. Riccaboni A., Quattrone, P. (Eds.), European Universities in Transition: Issues, Models and Cases. Elgar.

Carmona, S., Quattrone, P. (2003). Operations, Purchase and Sales in the Hyper-reality: Institutional Theories and Implications for Management Control. In Bhimani A., (ed.), (2003), Management Control and the Digital Economy, Oxford University Press.


Edited Journal Special Issues

Performing business and social innovation through accounting inscriptions, Accounting, Organizations and Society. Guest Editors: Paolo Quattrone, Cristiano Busco, Fabian Muniesa, (Expected publication 2014).

Accounting and Academiae: Career Systems, Networks and What Matters, European Accounting Review, 17:1. Guest editors: Rihab Khalifa, Paolo Quattrone.

Management Accounting Change, Management Accounting Research, Guest editors: Cristiano Busco, Paolo Quattrone, Angelo Riccaboni. 2007, 18.

Spacing and Timing, Organization, 2004, Vol. 11(6), Guest editors: Geoff Jones, Christine Mclean, Paolo Quattrone.


Working Papers

“Sustaining innovation and the search for value creation: Accounting, inscriptions and the mediation of ‘in-tensions’” (with Cristiano Busco).

“Mind the Gap: institutional persistence, absence and the incomplete cathedral” (with Elena Giovannoni), presented at EGOS 2014.

“Accounting, Organizations and the Italian Society. The Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI) and the search for alternatives to US corporate capitalism (1948-1973)”, (with Patrizio Monfardini and Pasquale Ruggiero) paper presented at the EGOS conference 2013, Montreal and EAA 2014.

“Figures, not numbers. The formalization of visual rules for composing accounts and the professionalization of the accounting field” (with François-Regís Puyou), presented at EGOS 2014.

Governing through numbers: Accounting figures as platforms of engagement in the construction of Heathrow Airport” (with Rebecca Vine and Paul Nightingale, accepted for presentation at the Organization Science Winter Conference, 2015.

“A document where literally everything can happen: leeway and potency in accounting inscriptions” (with Cristiano Busco and Fabian Muniesa), presented at the Accounting, Organizations and Society conference at the National University of Ireland, Galway, September 2013.

“Global Ideas and the Fairy Tale of Business Solutions”, (with Carmelo Mazza) (originally prepared for N. Thrift, A.Tickell, S. Woolgar (eds.) (forthcoming). Globalization in Practice: An A-Z Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford: Oxford University Press).

“Where are the missing masses?” Bringing ANT back into the debate on materiality” (with Yesh Nama and Alan Lowe), to be presented at the Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) workshop, Rome, 2014.

“Hyper-institutionalisation? Business education, institutional leverage and the next market bubble”, (with Carmelo Mazza), paper presented at the conference on Institutional work, Copenhagen, June, 2010, working paper.


In Italian


Mazza C., Quattrone P., Riccaboni, A. (Eds.). L’università in cambiamento tra mercato e tradizione, il Mulino, Bologna (2006).

Dagnino G. B., Di Betta P., Quattrone P. (Eds.), Le Metodologie della ricerca in Economia aziendale: fra tradizione e nuove tendenze. ESI, Naples, 1998.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Quattrone P., “Oggetto e metodo nella teoria del controllo: un’interpretazione per intorni relazionali e contesti disciplinari”. Annali della Facoltà di Economia dell’Università di Palermo, 1995.

Quattrone P., “Brevi note di ragioneria in margine a recenti norme sul bilancio di esercizio”. Annali della Facoltà di Economia dell’Università di Palermo, 1995.

Quattrone P., “Princìpi cooperativi e sistemi di controllo aziendale: tematiche generali e problematiche speciali”. Rivista della Cooperazione, Roma, n. 14/15, gennaio/aprile, 1994.


Book Chapters

Quattrone P., Monfardini, P., Ruggiero, P. (2015), “Le pratiche di programmazione e controllo nel Gruppo IRI: tra contesti organizzativi, politica economica e cambiamenti globali”.  in Russolillo, F. (Ed.), La storia dell’IRI. Vol. V, Bari: La Terza.

Mazza, C., Quattrone P., Riccaboni, A. (2008). “Università e Ricerca” (with Carmelo Mazza and Angelo Riccaboni) in Egidi C., (Eds.). Libro Verde dell’Innovazione. Milan: Edizioni Il Sole 24 Ore.

Quattrone, P. (2007). “Gli effetti organizzativi dei manuali gesuitici: tra religione ed economia” in Di Pietra R., Landi, F. (a cura di). Clero, Economia e Contabilità. Bari: Carocci Editore.

Quattrone, P. (2007). “Contenuti disciplinari e metadisciplinari tra XVII e XVIII secolo” in Lipari C. (Ed.), La Ragioneria a Palermo tra storia dei fatti, delle idee e delle istituzioni, Carbone Editore.

Quattrone, P. (2007). “Lodovico Flori: l’opera e le prassi”, in Lipari C. (Ed.), Autori di Ragioneria a Palermo – Volume I: XVII-XVIII secolo, Carbone Editore.

Mazza, C., Quattrone P., Riccaboni, A. (2006). “Verso l’università bifronte? Complessità interne e semplificazione dei rapporti con l’esterno” (with Carmelo Mazza and Angelo Riccaboni) in Mazza C., Quattrone P., Riccaboni, A. (Eds.). L’università in cambiamento tra mercato e tradizione, il Mulino, Bologna.

Mazza, C., Quattrone P. (2002). “Dall’organizzazione del sapere al sapere organizzato? Il sistema universitario italiano alla prova del mercato”, (with Carmelo Mazza) in Battistelli F. (ed.), La cultura delle amministrazioni. Tra retorica ed innovazione, Franco Angeli, 2002.

Dagnino G., B., Quattrone P. (1998). “Le relazioni fra Economia aziendale ed altre discipline: una proposta di metodo”. In Dagnino G. – Di Betta P. – Quattrone P. (Eds.), Le Metodologie della ricerca in Economia aziendale: fra tradizione e nuove tendenze. (in Italian) ESI, Naples.

Quattrone, P. (1995) “Prassi e teorie contabili delle aziende gesuitiche nella Sicilia del XVIII e XIX sec.” (Practical and Theoretical Aspects of the Accounting Systems of the Jesuits Organisation in Sicily in the XVIII and XIX Centuries), Atti del II Convegno Nazionale di Storia della Ragioneria, Messina.


In Spanish

Articles in Academic Journals

“La Contabilidad: una técnica contable o una teoría para desarrollar conocimiento interdisciplinario sobre las empresas?, Técnica contable (2002).

“Los sistemas integrados de contabilidad y sus implicaciones en el control de gestión de las impresas multinacionales”, Alta Dirección, 2006, No. 249/250.